rule: meta: name: packed with VMProtect namespace: anti-analysis/packer/vmprotect authors: - scope: file att&ck: - Defense Evasion::Obfuscated Files or Information::Software Packing [T1027.002] mbc: - Anti-Static Analysis::Software Packing::VMProtect [F0001.010] references: - - examples: - 971e599e6e707349eccea2fd4c8e5f67 features: - or: - string: "A debugger has been found running in your system." - string: "Please, unload it from memory and restart your program." - string: "File corrupted!. This program has been manipulated and maybe" - string: "it's infected by a Virus or cracked. This file won't work anymore." - section: .vmp0 - section: .vmp1 - section: .vmp2