(YARA) Yara_LimeCRypter

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rule MAL_NET_LimeCrypter_RunPE_Jan24
		description = "Detects LimeCrypter RunPE module. LimeCrypter is an open source .NET based crypter and loader commonly used by threat actors"
		author = "Jonathan Peters"
		date = "2024-01-16"
		reference = "https://github.com/NYAN-x-CAT/Lime-Crypter/tree/master"
		hash = "bcc8c679acfc3aabf22ebdb2349b1fabd351a89fd23a716d85154049d352dd12"
		score = 80
		$op1 = { 1F 1A 58 1F 1A 58 28 }                                        //  BitConverter.ToInt32(... + 0x2A + 0x2A);
		$op2 = { 20 B3 00 00 00 8D ?? 00 00 01 13 ?? 11 ?? 16 20 02 00 01 00 } // int[] context = new int[0xB3]; context[0] = 0x10002;
		$op3 = { 11 0? 11 0? 20 00 30 00 00 1F 40 28 ?? 00 00 06 }             // VirtualAllocEx( ... 0x3000, 0x40);
		$op4 = { 6E 20 FF 7F 00 00 6A FE 02 }                                  // (ulong)bufferSize > 0x7FFFUL

		$s1 = "RawSecurityDescriptor" ascii
		$s2 = "CommonAce" ascii
		uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and
		all of ($s*) and
		2 of ($op*)

Associated Techniques

Technique Name Technique ID's Snippet(s) OS
LimeCrypter U1436


January 18, 2024

Last Revised

January 18, 2024