rule MAL_NET_NixImports_Loader_Jan24 { meta: description = "Detects open-source NixImports .NET malware loader. A stealthy loader using dynamic import resolving to evade static detection" author = "Jonathan Peters" date = "2024-01-12" reference = "" hash = "dd3f22871879b0bc4990c96d1de957848c7ed0714635bb036c73d8a989fb0b39" score = 80 strings: $op1 = { 1F 0A 64 06 1F 11 62 60 } // Hash algorithm $op2 = { 03 20 4D 5A 90 00 94 4B 2A } // Magic $op3 = { 20 DE 7A 1F F3 20 F7 1B 18 BC } // Hardcoded function hashes $op4 = { 20 CE 1F BE 70 20 DF 1F 3E F8 14 } // Hardcoded function hashes $sa1 = "OffsetToStringData" ascii $sa2 = "GetRuntimeMethods" ascii $sa3 = "netstandard" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($sa*) and 2 of ($op*) }