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144 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
System Script Proxy Execution: PubPrn Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may use PubPrn to proxy execution of malicious remote files. PubPrn.vbs is a Visual Basic script that publishes a printer to Active Directory Domain Services. The script may be signed by Microsoft and is commonly executed through the Windows Command Shell via Cscript.exe. For example, the following code publishes a printer within the specified domain: cscript pubprn Printer1 LDAP://CN=Container1,DC=Domain1,DC=Com.
…Traffic Signaling: Socket Filters Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may attach filters to a network socket to monitor then activate backdoors used for persistence or command and control. With elevated permissions, adversaries can use features such as the libpcap library to open sockets and install filters to allow or disallow certain types of data to come through the socket. The filter may apply to all traffic passing through …
Trusted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution: MSBuild Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may use MSBuild to proxy execution of code through a trusted Windows utility. MSBuild.exe (Microsoft Build Engine) is a software build platform used by Visual Studio. It handles XML formatted project files that define requirements for loading and building various platforms and configurations.
Adversaries can abuse MSBuild to proxy execution of malicious code. The inline task capability of …
Valid Accounts: Default Accounts Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may obtain and abuse credentials of a default account as a means of gaining Initial Access, Persistence, Privilege Escalation, or Defense Evasion. Default accounts are those that are built-into an OS, such as the Guest or Administrator accounts on Windows systems. Default accounts also include default factory/provider set accounts on other types of systems, software, or devices, including the …
Hell's Gate Antivirus/EDR Evasion
The Hell's Gate technique refers to a specific method used by malware authors to make their software more difficult to detect and analyze. The technique involves the use of a custom native API resolver to resolve Windows API functions at runtime dynamically.
By using Hell's Gate, malware can avoid referencing the Windows API functions directly in the Import Address …
Evasion using direct Syscalls Antivirus/EDR Evasion
In the Windows operating system, conventional malware frequently utilizes strategies involving the invocation of specific functions from the kernel32.dll library, such as VirtualAlloc
, VirtualProtect
, and CreateThread
. A closer inspection of the call stack reveals that the functions employed from kernel32.dll eventually trigger corresponding functions within the ntdll.dll library. This is facilitated by the ntdll.dll library, which serves …
SMB / Named Pipes Network Evasion
Named Pipes are a feature of the Windows operating system that allow for inter-process communication (IPC) using a pipe metaphor. These are particularly useful in networking scenarios as they can be made accessible over a network and facilitate a client-server model of communication. The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is commonly used in Windows environments for shared access to files, …
BlockInput Others
As per Microsoft's documentation, BlockInput
function "prevents keyboard and mouse input events from reaching applications," effectively restricting user interaction with the system.
Malware occasionally employs this tactic to hinder analysis by debuggers or other analysis tools throughout the process' runtime. To deactivate the block, the program must make a live call to BlockInput
with the parameter 0. Windows automatically …
NtDelayExecution Sandbox Evasion Anti-Debugging
NtDelayExecution can be used to delay the execution of the calling thread. NtDelayExecution accepts a parameter "DelayInterval", which is the number of milliseconds to delay. Once executed, NtDelayExecution "pauses" execution of the calling program whuch can cause a timeout of the sandbox or loss of control in a debugger.
Additionally, some higher level WinAPI functions invoke NtDelayExeuction. For example, …
Cronos-Crypter Packers
Cronos-Crypter is an open-source crypter publicly available on GitHub. The crypter applies AES encryption or XOR obfuscation to a selected payload before storing it as a .NET resource of a final generated .NET executable payload. Cronos-Crypter contains multiple capabilties for persistence and defense evasion. An operator may select persistence via a Windows Registry autorun key or a Scheduled Task. An …