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144 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Alternate EXE Packer Packers
EXE Packer is able to compress executable files (type EXE) or DLL-files. Already compressed files may also be decompressed with this program. There exist 12 different levels for file-compression. This program is also able to create backups of the files that shall be compressed.
If a file is compressed the physical file-size is reduced on the respective device. A …
AsPack Packers
ASPack is an EXE packer created to compress Win32 executable files and to protect them against reverse engineering.
The solution makes Windows programs and libraries smaller up to 70% what leads to a reduction in the download time of compressed applications in local networks and the Internet because of their smaller size compared to uncompressed apps.
The ASPack …
PEtite Packers
Petite is a free Win32 (Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP/Vista/7/etc) executable (EXE/DLL/etc) compressor. The compressed executables decompress themselves at run time and can be used just like the original non-compressed versions.
Petite also adds virus detection to the compressed executables; they will check themselves for infection every time they are executed.
Crinkler Packers
Crinkler is a compressing linker for Windows, specifically targeted towards executables with a size of just a few kilobytes.
PECompact Packers
PECompact is a Windows executable compressor. It has a plugin system that offers virtually customization.
PELock Packers
PELock is a software security solution designed for the protection of any 32 bit Windows applications against cracking, tampering and reverse engineering analysis.
Obsidium Packers
Obsidium is a software protection and licensing system that is designed to protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows software applications and games from reverse engineering, unauthorized modifications ("cracking") and redistribution ("software piracy") while providing a licensing system.
PESpin Packers
PESpin is a Windows executable files protector, compressor coded in Win32ASM using MASM. Overall, this application will enable the compression of the entire executable - code, data, and resources, thus leaving the file protected against patching or disassembling.
BobSoft Mini Delphi Packer Packers
The Delphi programming language can be an easy way to write applications and programs that leverage Windows API functions. In fact, some actors deliberately include the default libraries as a diversion to hamper static analysis and make the application "look legit" during dynamic analysis.
The packer goes to great lengths to ensure that it is not running in an …