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73 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Domain Generation Algorithm Network Evasion
Domain generation algorithms (DGAs) are algorithms used by malware to generate a large number of domain names that can be used as communication channels with their command and control servers. These domain names are generated periodically, typically using a pseudorandom number generator.
The use of DGAs makes it difficult for law enforcement and other security actors to shut down …
PureCrypter Packers
PureCrypter, a multi-functional crypter/loader developed in C#, was first introduced in hacking forums on March 17, 2021. This tool is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit native as well as .NET payloads. It features multiple injection modes, including reflection, RunPE, and shellcode. PureCrypter can deliver payloads either via a URL or offline. It has been noted for its use in …
NtDelayExecution Sandbox Evasion Anti-Debugging
NtDelayExecution can be used to delay the execution of the calling thread. NtDelayExecution accepts a parameter "DelayInterval", which is the number of milliseconds to delay. Once executed, NtDelayExecution "pauses" execution of the calling program whuch can cause a timeout of the sandbox or loss of control in a debugger.
Additionally, some higher level WinAPI functions invoke NtDelayExeuction. For example, …