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160 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Caesar Cipher Data Obfuscation
The Caesar Cipher is a simple encoding algorithm that was used during the Roman Empire to hide secret messages. In this algorithm, each letter of the plaintext is replaced with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if the shift value is 3, then the letter "A" would be replaced with "D", "B" …
ROL Data Obfuscation
ROL, or Rotate Left, is a simple encoding algorithm similar to the Caesar Cipher. In the ROL algorithm, each letter of the plaintext is replaced with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if the rotation value is 3, then the letter "A" would be replaced with "D", "B" would be replaced with …
Custom Encoding Data Obfuscation
Malware often uses custom encoding schemes to conceal their payloads and avoid detection. These custom schemes can be full custom layers, or they can be variations of known algorithms such as XOR or Base64. Using custom encoding schemes allows malware to encode their payloads in a unique way that can be difficult for security tools and forensic investigators to detect.
…Guard Pages Anti-Debugging
Memory breakpoints are a technique used by malware to detect if a debugger is present. This technique involves setting up a "guard page" in memory, which is a page of memory that is protected by the operating system and cannot be accessed by normal code. If a debugger is present, the malware can use this guard page to detect its …
SuspendThread Anti-Debugging
Suspending threads is a technique used by malware to disable user-mode debuggers and make it more difficult for security analysts to reverse engineer and analyze the code. This can be achieved by using the SuspendThread
function from the kernel32.dll library or the NtSuspendThread
function from the NTDLL.DLL library.
The malware can enumerate the threads of a given process, or …
Reflective DLL injection Process Manipulating
Reflective DLL loading refers to loading a DLL from memory rather than from disk. Windows doesn’t have a LoadLibrary
function that supports this, so to get the functionality you have to write your own, omitting some of the things Windows normally does, such as registering the DLL as a loaded module in the process, potentially bypassing DLL load monitoring.
Thread Execution Hijacking Process Manipulating
Thread execution hijacking is a technique used by malware to evade detection by targeting an existing thread of a process and avoiding any noisy process or thread creation operations. This technique allows the malware to run its code within the context of the targeted thread, without creating new processes or threads, which can be easily detected by security software.
Injection using Shims Process Manipulating
Microsoft provides Shims to developers mainly for backward compatibility. Shims allow developers to apply fixes to their programs without the need of rewriting code. By leveraging shims, developers can tell the operating system how to handle their application. Shims are essentially a way of hooking into APIs and targeting specific executables. Malware can take advantage of shims to target an …
IAT Hooking Process Manipulating
IAT hooking is a way to run malicious code by modifying the Import Address Table of a specific executable. Consisting of replacing one legitimate function from imported DLL by a malicious one.
IAT hooking and inline hooking are generally known as userland rootkits. IAT hooking is a technique that malware uses to change the import address table. When a …
PE Injection Process Manipulating
Instead of passing the address of the LoadLibrary, malware can copy its malicious code into an existing open process and force it to execute (either via a small shellcode, or by calling CreateRemoteThread
One advantage of PE injection over the LoadLibrary
technique is that the malware does not have to drop a malicious DLL on the disk. The …