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91 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Detecting Virtual Environment Artefacts Sandbox Evasion
Qemu registers some artifacts into the registry. A malware can detect the Qemu installation with a look at the registry key HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi\\Scsi Port 0\\Scsi Bus 0\\Target Id 0\\Logical Unit Id 0
with the value of Identifier
and the data of QEMU
or HARDWARE\\Description\\System
with a value of SystemBiosVersion
and data of QEMU
The VirtualBox Guest addition leaves many …
CPUID Sandbox Evasion
The CPUID instruction is a low-level command that allows you to retrieve information about the CPU that is currently running. This instruction, which is executed at the CPU level (using the bytecode 0FA2), is available on all processors that are based on the Pentium architecture or newer.
You can use the CPUID instruction to retrieve various pieces of information …
Obscuring Control Flow Anti-Disassembly
Obscuring control flow is an anti-disassembling technique that involves using methods of flow control that are difficult or impossible for disassemblers and debuggers to follow. This can make it more difficult for analysts to understand the program's behavior and can also make it more difficult for other tools, such as debuggers, to accurately interpret the program.
One example of …
NTFS Files Attributes Antivirus/EDR Evasion
Every New Technology File System (NTFS) formatted partition contains a Master File Table (MFT) that maintains a record for every file/directory on the partition. Within MFT entries are file attributes, such as Extended Attributes and Data known as Alternate Data Streams (ADSs) when more than one Data attribute is present], that can be used to store arbitrary data (and even …
Disabling Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Anti-Forensic
Many EDR solutions leverage Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) extensively. ETW allows for extensive instrumentation and tracing of a process functionality and WINAPI calls. It has components in the kernel, to register callbacks for system calls and other kernel operations, but also consists of a userland component that is part of ntdll.dll.
Since ntdll.dll is a DLL loaded into …
Domain Fronting Network Evasion Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Domain fronting is a technique used to hide the true destination of internet traffic. It may be used to hide the real destination of an offensive payload or is could be used to bypass censorship or any form of network restriction. The technique may be used through CDN infrastructure or on any infrastructure that perform separation between SSL and http …
Domain Policy Modification: Domain Trust Modification Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may add new domain trusts or modify the properties of existing domain trusts to evade defenses and/or elevate privileges. Domain trust details, such as whether or not a domain is federated, allow authentication and authorization properties to apply between domains for the purpose of accessing shared resources. These trust objects may include accounts, credentials, and other authentication material applied …
Hide Artifacts: Run Virtual Instance Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may carry out malicious operations using a virtual instance to avoid detection. A wide variety of virtualization technologies exist that allow for the emulation of a computer or computing environment. By running malicious code inside of a virtual instance, adversaries can hide artifacts associated with their behavior from security tools that are unable to monitor activity inside the virtual …
Hide Artifacts: Process Argument Spoofing Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may attempt to hide process command-line arguments by overwriting process memory. Process command-line arguments are stored in the process environment block (PEB), a data structure used by Windows to store various information about/used by a process. The PEB includes the process command-line arguments that are referenced when executing the process. When a process is created, defensive tools/sensors that monitor …
Debugger Evasion Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid debuggers. Debuggers are typically used by defenders to trace and/or analyze the execution of potential malware payloads.
Debugger evasion may include changing behaviors based on the results of the checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a debugged environment. Similar to Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion, if the adversary detects a debugger, …