Search Evasion Techniques
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39 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
API Hammering Sandbox Evasion
API hammering is a technique used to delay sandbox analysis and thus avoid malware capability analysis reporting. This technique consists of calling a large amount of benign APIs like "printf" in a loop.
GetForegroundWindow Sandbox Evasion
This technique uses the GetForegroundWindow and Sleep APIs to attempt to evade sandboxes. Many sandboxes do not alter the foreground window like a user would in a normal desktop environment.
It accomplishes this by making a call to GetForegroundWindow, which returns a handle to the current window. Then the malware sample will sleep for a short time, followed by …
Execution Guardrails: Environmental Keying Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may environmentally key payloads or other features of malware to evade defenses and constraint execution to a specific target environment. Environmental keying uses cryptography to constrain execution or actions based on adversary supplied environment specific conditions that are expected to be present on the target. Environmental keying is an implementation of Execution Guardrails that utilizes cryptographic techniques for deriving …
User Interaction (Are you human?) Sandbox Evasion
You can get an advantage against sandboxes by using user interaction techniques. For example, The average user has a username and password and as long as the user you are targeting does not enter their password correctly, you can prevent your malware execution and bypass the possible sandbox control.
Alienyze Packers
Alienyze is a software packer designed to compress executable files, allowing them to reduce the file size of their software as much as possible.
Anti-Debugger techniques that detect and fool present debuggers
Anti-VM techniques that detect sandbox & virtualized environments
Protection from disassemblers and software analysis tools
Hardware …
DTPacker Packers
DTPacker is a .NET packer or downloader which although seeing considerable variety in the first stage, uses a second stage with a fixed password as part of the decoding.
The main difference between a packer and a downloader is the location of the payload data which is embedded in the former and downloaded in the latter. DTPacker uses both …
Debugger Evasion Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid debuggers. Debuggers are typically used by defenders to trace and/or analyze the execution of potential malware payloads.
Debugger evasion may include changing behaviors based on the results of the checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a debugged environment. Similar to Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion, if the adversary detects a debugger, …
Evasion using direct Syscalls Antivirus/EDR Evasion
In the Windows operating system, conventional malware frequently utilizes strategies involving the invocation of specific functions from the kernel32.dll library, such as VirtualAlloc
, VirtualProtect
, and CreateThread
. A closer inspection of the call stack reveals that the functions employed from kernel32.dll eventually trigger corresponding functions within the ntdll.dll library. This is facilitated by the ntdll.dll library, which serves …
NtDelayExecution Sandbox Evasion Anti-Debugging
NtDelayExecution can be used to delay the execution of the calling thread. NtDelayExecution accepts a parameter "DelayInterval", which is the number of milliseconds to delay. Once executed, NtDelayExecution "pauses" execution of the calling program whuch can cause a timeout of the sandbox or loss of control in a debugger.
Additionally, some higher level WinAPI functions invoke NtDelayExeuction. For example, …
Al-Khaser_WriteWatch Anti-Debugging
Default invalid parameter values of Al-Khaser's Anti-Debug technique (VirtualAlloc/MEM_WRITE_WATCH). Used for checking API hooks in debuggers/sandboxes.