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2 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Inline Hooking Process Manipulating
Inline hooking is a technique used to intercept calls to target functions. It is commonly used by antiviruses, sandboxes, and malware to perform a variety of tasks, such as checking parameters, shimming, logging, spoofing returned data, and filtering calls.
The process of inline hooking involves directly modifying the code within the target function, usually by overwriting the first few …
IAT Hooking Process Manipulating
IAT hooking is a way to run malicious code by modifying the Import Address Table of a specific executable. Consisting of replacing one legitimate function from imported DLL by a malicious one.
IAT hooking and inline hooking are generally known as userland rootkits. IAT hooking is a technique that malware uses to change the import address table. When a …