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4 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Hide Artifacts: Process Argument Spoofing Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may attempt to hide process command-line arguments by overwriting process memory. Process command-line arguments are stored in the process environment block (PEB), a data structure used by Windows to store various information about/used by a process. The PEB includes the process command-line arguments that are referenced when executing the process. When a process is created, defensive tools/sensors that monitor …
Hijack Execution Flow: KernelCallbackTable Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may abuse the KernelCallbackTable of a process to hijack its execution flow in order to run their own payloads. The KernelCallbackTable can be found in the Process Environment Block (PEB) and is initialized to an array of graphic functions available to a GUI process once user32.dll is loaded.
An adversary may hijack the execution flow of a process …
Debugger Evasion Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid debuggers. Debuggers are typically used by defenders to trace and/or analyze the execution of potential malware payloads.
Debugger evasion may include changing behaviors based on the results of the checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a debugged environment. Similar to Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion, if the adversary detects a debugger, …
IsDebuggerPresent Anti-Debugging
This function checks specific flag in the Process Environment Block (PEB) for the field IsDebugged which will return zero if the process is not running into a debugger or a nonzero if a debugger is attached.
If you want to understand the underlying process of IsDebuggerPresent API you can check the code snippet section for the following method: IsDebugged …