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175 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Jump With Same Target Anti-Disassembly
Jump with the same target is an anti-disassembling technique that involves using back-to-back conditional jump instructions that both point to the same target. This can make it difficult for a disassembler to accurately reconstruct the original instructions of the program, as the disassembler will not be able to determine the intended behavior of the program without actually executing it.
NOP Sled Anti-Disassembly
In computer security, a NOP slide is a sequence of NOP (no-operation) instructions that is inserted at the beginning of a code section. When a program branches to the start of this code section, it will "slide" through the NOP instructions until it reaches the desired, final destination. This technique is commonly used in software exploits to direct program execution …
Indicator Removal: Clear Windows Event Logs Anti-Forensic Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Event logging is a process that records important software and hardware events from various sources and stores them in a centralized location called an event log. This service is commonly used by applications and operating systems to track and troubleshoot issues, and can be a valuable tool for forensic investigations.
Event logs can provide valuable information about the actions …
BobSoft Mini Delphi Packer Packers
The Delphi programming language can be an easy way to write applications and programs that leverage Windows API functions. In fact, some actors deliberately include the default libraries as a diversion to hamper static analysis and make the application "look legit" during dynamic analysis.
The packer goes to great lengths to ensure that it is not running in an …
Homograph Attack (Punycode) Network Evasion
A homograph attack is a type of phishing attack that uses homoglyphs (characters that look similar to other characters) to create domain names or URLs that appear to be legitimate, but are actually controlled by an attacker. Homograph attacks take advantage of the fact that many languages have characters that are visually similar to characters used in other languages.