#include "wtypes.h" #include using namespace std; /* 1024x768 can be used for automated Sandbox 800x600 can be used for automated Sandbox 640x480 can be used for automated Sandbox 1024x697 1280x800 1280x960 1680x1050 1916x1066 */ void GetResolution(int& horiz, int& verti) { RECT desktop; const HWND hDesktop = GetDesktopWindow(); GetWindowRect(hDesktop, &desktop); horiz = desktop.right; verti = desktop.bottom; } int main() { int horiz = 0; int verti = 0; GetResolution(horiz, verti); if(horiz < 1024) { cout << "[!] Looks like you run in a sandbox!"<< '\n'; } cout << "[+] Screen resolution: "<< horiz << "x" << verti << '\n'; return 0; }