program AntiSandboxScanService; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, WinAPI.Windows, WinAPI.WinSvc; const ANTI_LIST : array[0..4-1] of String = ( // VMWare 'VGAuthService', 'vmvss', 'vm3dservice', 'VMTools' // ... ); { Using Service Manager WinAPI + OpenService() * * } function CheckService_WinSvc() : Boolean; var AServiceManager : SC_HANDLE; I : Cardinal; begin result := False; /// AServiceManager := OpenSCManagerW(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE); if AServiceManager = 0 then raise Exception.Create( Format('Could not open service manager with error=[%s]', [GetLastError()]) ); try for I := 0 to Length(ANTI_LIST) -1 do begin if (OpenServiceW(AServiceManager, PWideChar(ANTI_LIST[I]), READ_CONTROL) <> 0) then begin WriteLn(Format('[*] "%s" service found.', [ANTI_LIST[I]])); /// result := true; end; end; finally CloseServiceHandle(AServiceManager); end; end; { Using Microsoft Windows Registry + RegOpenKeyExW * } function CheckService_Registry() : Boolean; const HIVE : HKEY = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; PATH = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s'; var AStatus : Longint; AKey : HKEY; I : Cardinal; APath : String; begin for I := 0 to Length(ANTI_LIST) -1 do begin APath := Format(PATH, [ANTI_LIST[i]]); if RegOpenKeyExW(HIVE, PWideChar(APath), 0, KEY_READ, AKey) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then continue; try WriteLn(Format('[*] "%s" service found.', [ANTI_LIST[I]])); /// result := true; finally RegCloseKey(AKey); end; end; end; procedure Header(ACaption : String); begin WriteLn(StringOfChar('-', 50)); WriteLn(ACaption); WriteLn(StringOfChar('-', 50)); end; begin try Header('Check Service (WinSvc):'); if not CheckService_WinSvc() then WriteLn('Nothing found so far...'); WriteLn; Header('Check Service (Registry):'); if not CheckService_Registry() then WriteLn('Nothing found so far...'); readln; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.