import dnslib import socket # Replace with the IP address of the DNS server dns_server = "" # Replace with the domain name and subdomain that you control domain_name = "" subdomain = "tunnel" # Replace with the data that you want to transfer data = b"hello" # Encode the data as a base64 string encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data) # Create a DNS query with the encoded data as the subdomain label query = dnslib.DNSRecord.question(subdomain + "." + domain_name) # Send the DNS query to the DNS server dns_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) dns_socket.sendto(query.pack(), (dns_server, 53)) # Receive the DNS response from the DNS server response = dnslib.DNSRecord.parse(dns_socket.recv(4096)) # Decode the DNS response and extract the data payload decoded_data = base64.b64decode(response.rr[0].rdata.label) # Print the decoded data print(decoded_data)