Windows C++ / Misusing Structured Exception Handlers by Unprotect

Created the Tuesday 06 December 2022. Updated 6 months ago.


In this code, the push_seh and pop_seh functions are used to manipulate the SEH chain. The handle_exception function is pushed onto the SEH chain, so that it will be executed when an exception occurs. When the exception is handled, the handle_exception function is popped off the SEH chain. This technique can be used by malware to make it more difficult for security analysts to understand the code and identify any potentially malicious behavior.


            #include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Function to push a new function onto the SEH chain
void push_seh(LPVOID fn)
    // Use the FS segment register to gain access to the TEB
        mov eax, dword ptr fs:[0]

    // The first structure in the TEB is the TIB,
    // which contains a pointer to the SEH chain
        mov eax, dword ptr[eax + 0x04]

    // Push the new function onto the SEH chain
        push fn
        push dword ptr[eax]
        mov dword ptr[eax], esp

// Function to pop a function off the SEH chain
void pop_seh()
    // Use the FS segment register to gain access to the TEB
        mov eax, dword ptr fs:[0]

    // The first structure in the TEB is the TIB,
    // which contains a pointer to the SEH chain
        mov eax, dword ptr[eax + 0x04]

    // Pop the top function off the SEH chain
        mov esp, dword ptr[eax]
        pop dword ptr[eax]

// Function to handle exceptions
DWORD handle_exception(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep)
    // Print a message when an exception occurs
    printf("Exception occurred!\n");

    // Return the exception code to continue execution
    return ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;

int main()
    // Push the handle_exception function onto the SEH chain

    // Cause an exception to occur
        *(int*)0 = 0;
        // Pop the handle_exception function off the SEH chain

    return 0;