program NtQueryObject; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$ALIGN ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} uses WinAPI.Windows, System.SysUtils; type TUnicodeString = record Length: USHORT; MaximumLength: USHORT; Buffer: PWideChar; end; TObjectInformationClass = ( ObjectBasicInformation = 0, ObjectNameInformation = 1, ObjectTypeInformation = 2, ObjectAllTypesInformation = 3, ObjectHandleInformation = 4 ); OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION = record Name: TUnicodeString; ObjectCount: ULONG; HandleCount: ULONG; Reserved1: array[0..3] of ULONG; PeakObjectCount: ULONG; PeakHandleCount: ULONG; Reserved2: array[0..3] of ULONG; InvalidAttributes: ULONG; GenericMapping: GENERIC_MAPPING; ValidAccess: ULONG; Unknown: UCHAR; MaintainHandleDatabase: ByteBool; Reserved3: array[0..1] of UCHAR; PoolType: Byte; PagedPoolUsage: ULONG; NonPagedPoolUsage: ULONG; end; POBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION = ^OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION; TObjectTypeInformation = OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION; PObjectTypeInformation = ^TObjectTypeInformation; OBJECT_ALL_TYPE_INFORMATION = record NumberOfObjectTypes : ULONG; ObjectTypeInformation : array[0..0] of TObjectTypeInformation; end; POBJECT_ALL_TYPE_INFORMATION = ^OBJECT_ALL_TYPE_INFORMATION; TObjectAllTypeInformation = OBJECT_ALL_TYPE_INFORMATION; PObjectAllTypeInformation = ^TObjectAllTypeInformation; // var _NtQueryObject : function ( ObjectHandle : THandle; ObjectInformationClass : TObjectInformationClass; ObjectInformation : PVOID; ObjectInformationLength : ULONG; ReturnLength : PULONG ): ULONG; stdcall; var hNTDLL : THandle; ARet : ULONG; ARequiredSize : ULONG; pAllTypeInformation : PObjectAllTypeInformation; pTypeInformation : PObjectTypeInformation; i : Integer; pRow : PObjectTypeInformation; pDummy : Pointer; ADebuggerFound : Boolean; begin try ADebuggerFound := False; @_NtQueryObject := nil; /// hNTDLL := LoadLibrary('NTDLL.DLL'); if (hNTDLL = 0) then Exit(); try @_NtQueryObject := GetProcAddress(hNTDLL, 'NtQueryObject'); if NOT Assigned(_NtQueryObject) then Exit(); /// ARet := _NtQueryObject(0, ObjectAllTypesInformation, @ARequiredSize, SizeOf(ULONG), @ARequiredSize); if (ARequiredSize <= 0) then Exit(); /// GetMem(pAllTypeInformation, ARequiredSize); try ARet := _NtQueryObject(0, ObjectAllTypesInformation, pAllTypeInformation, ARequiredSize, nil); if (ARet <> 0) then Exit(); /// pRow := @pAllTypeInformation^.ObjectTypeInformation; for I := 0 to pAllTypeInformation^.NumberOfObjectTypes -1 do begin if String.Compare(String(pRow^.Name.Buffer), 'DebugObject', True) = 0 then ADebuggerFound := (pRow^.ObjectCount > 0); /// if ADebuggerFound then break; pRow := Pointer ( (NativeUInt(pRow^.Name.Buffer) + pRow^.Name.Length) and (NOT (SizeOf(Pointer)-1)) + SizeOf(Pointer) ); end; finally FreeMem(pAllTypeInformation, ARequiredSize); end; finally FreeLibrary(hNTDLL); end; if ADebuggerFound then WriteLn('A Debugger Was Found!') else WriteLn('No Debugger Found!'); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.