(C++) Performing Code Checksum by External

Created the Wednesday 22 June 2022. Updated 3 months ago.


The below example shows how to calculate the checksum of a function used to detect a breakpoint using INT3. Original source code available here:


            DWORD CalcFuncCrc(PUCHAR funcBegin, PUCHAR funcEnd)
    DWORD crc = 0;
    for (; funcBegin < funcEnd; ++funcBegin)
        crc += *funcBegin;
    return crc;
#pragma auto_inline(off)
VOID DebuggeeFunction()
    int calc = 0;
    calc += 2;
    calc <<= 8;
    calc -= 3;
VOID DebuggeeFunctionEnd()
#pragma auto_inline(on)
DWORD g_origCrc = 0x2bd0;
int main()
    DWORD crc = CalcFuncCrc((PUCHAR)DebuggeeFunction, (PUCHAR)DebuggeeFunctionEnd);
    if (g_origCrc != crc)
        std::cout << "Stop debugging program!" << std::endl;
    return 0;
} It was originally published on https://www.apriorit.com/