program DLLReflector; // DLL Reflection with both 32 and 64-bit support. // // @DarkCoderSc uses Winapi.Windows, System.Classes, System.SysUtils; const IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 = 10; type TImageBaseRelocation = record VirtualAddress : DWORD; SizeOfBlock : DWORD; end; PImageBaseRelocation = ^TImageBaseRelocation; TImageOptionalHeader = {$IFDEF WIN64} TImageOptionalHeader64 {$ELSE} TImageOptionalHeader32 {$ENDIF}; PImageOptionalHeader = ^TImageOptionalHeader; TImageThunkData = {$IFDEF WIN64} TImageThunkData64 {$ELSE} TImageThunkData32 {$ENDIF}; PImageThunkData = ^TImageThunkData; PRelocationInfo = {$IFDEF WIN64} PCardinal {$ELSE} PWord {$ENDIF}; TNTSignature = DWORD; PNTSignature = ^TNTSignature; TPEHeader = record pImageBase : Pointer; // Main Headers _pImageDosHeader : PImageDosHeader; _pNTSignature : PNTSignature; _pImageFileHeader : PImageFileHeader; _pImageOptionalHeader : PImageOptionalHeader; _pImageSectionHeader : PImageSectionHeader; // Sections Headers SectionHeaderCount : Cardinal; pSectionHeaders : array of PImageSectionHeader; end; TPEHeaderDirectories = record _pImageExportDirectory : PImageExportDirectory; end; { _.RVAToVA } function RVAToVA(const pImageBase : Pointer; const ARelativeVirtualAddress : NativeUInt) : Pointer; begin result := Pointer(NativeUInt(pImageBase) + ARelativeVirtualAddress); end; { _.IdentifyPEHeader } function IdentifyPEHeader(const pImageBase : Pointer) : TPEHeader; var pOffset : Pointer; _pImageSectionHeader : PImageSectionHeader; I : Cardinal; procedure IncOffset(const AIncrement : Cardinal); begin pOffset := Pointer(NativeUInt(pOffset) + AIncrement); end; begin ZeroMemory(@result, SizeOf(TPEheader)); /// if not Assigned(pImageBase) then Exit(); result.pImageBase := pImageBase; pOffset := result.pImageBase; // Read and validate Library PE Header result._pImageDosHeader := pOffset; if (result._pImageDosHeader.e_magic <> IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) then Exit(); IncOffset(result._pImageDosHeader^._lfanew); if (PNTSignature(pOffset)^ <> IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) then Exit(); IncOffset(SizeOf(TNTSignature)); result._pImageFileHeader := pOffset; IncOffset(SizeOf(TImageFileHeader)); result._pImageOptionalHeader := pOffset; IncOffset(SizeOf(TImageOptionalHeader)); // Read and register section headers result.SectionHeaderCount := result._pImageFileHeader^.NumberOfSections; SetLength(result.pSectionHeaders, result.SectionHeaderCount); for I := 0 to result.SectionHeaderCount -1 do begin _pImageSectionHeader := pOffset; try result.pSectionHeaders[I] := _pImageSectionHeader; finally IncOffset(SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); end; end; end; { _.IdentifyPEHeaderDirectories } function IdentifyPEHeaderDirectories(const APEHeader : TPEHeader) : TPEHeaderDirectories; var AVirtualAddress : Cardinal; begin ZeroMemory(@result, SizeOf(TPEHeaderDirectories)); /// // Identify Export Directory AVirtualAddress := APEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader^.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress; result._pImageExportDirectory := Pointer(NativeUInt(APEHeader.pImageBase) + AVirtualAddress); end; { _.ResolveImportTable } procedure ResolveImportTable(const APEHeader : TPEHeader); var _pImageDataDirectory : PImageDataDirectory; _pImageImportDescriptor : PImageImportDescriptor; hModule : THandle; _pImageOriginalThunkData : PImageThunkData; _pImageFirstThunkData : PImageThunkData; pFunction : Pointer; pProcName : Pointer; function RVA(const Offset : NativeUInt) : Pointer; begin result := Pointer(NativeUInt(APEHeader.pImageBase) + Offset); end; begin _pImageDataDirectory := @APEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader^.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]; if _pImageDataDirectory^.Size = 0 then Exit(); _pImageImportDescriptor := RVA(_pImageDataDirectory^.VirtualAddress); while _pImageImportDescriptor^.Name <> 0 do begin try hModule := LoadLibraryA(RVA(_pImageImportDescriptor^.Name)); if hModule = 0 then continue; try if _pImageImportDescriptor^.OriginalFirstThunk <> 0 then _pImageOriginalThunkData := RVA(_pImageImportDescriptor^.OriginalFirstThunk) else _pImageOriginalThunkData := RVA(_pImageImportDescriptor^.FirstThunk); _pImageFirstThunkData := RVA(_pImageImportDescriptor^.FirstThunk); if not Assigned(_pImageOriginalThunkData) then continue; while _pImageOriginalThunkData^.AddressOfData <> 0 do begin try if (_pImageOriginalThunkData^.Ordinal and IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG) <> 0 then pProcName := MAKEINTRESOURCE(_pImageOriginalThunkData^.Ordinal and $FFFF) else pProcName := RVA(_pImageOriginalThunkData^.AddressOfData + SizeOf(Word)); pFunction := GetProcAddress( hModule, PAnsiChar(pProcName) ); if not Assigned(pFunction) then continue; _pImageFirstThunkData^._Function := NativeUInt(pFunction); finally Inc(_pImageOriginalThunkData); Inc(_pImageFirstThunkData); end; end; finally FreeLibrary(hModule); end; finally Inc(_pImageImportDescriptor); end; end; end; { _.PerformBaseRelocation } procedure PerformBaseRelocation(const APEHeader: TPEHeader; const ADelta: NativeUInt); var I : Cardinal; _pImageDataDirectory : PImageDataDirectory; pRelocationTable : PImageBaseRelocation; pRelocationAddress : Pointer; pRelocInfo : PRelocationInfo; pRelocationType : Integer; pRelocationOffset : NativeUInt; ARelocationCount : Cardinal; const IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION = 8; IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH = 1; IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW = 2; IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW = 3; begin _pImageDataDirectory := @APEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader^.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC]; if _pImageDataDirectory^.Size = 0 then Exit(); pRelocationTable := RVAToVA(APEHeader.pImageBase, _pImageDataDirectory^.VirtualAddress); while pRelocationTable^.VirtualAddress > 0 do begin pRelocationAddress := RVAToVA(APEHeader.pImageBase, pRelocationTable^.VirtualAddress); pRelocInfo := RVAToVA(pRelocationTable, IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION); ARelocationCount := (pRelocationTable^.SizeOfBlock - SizeOf(TImageBaseRelocation)) div SizeOf(Word); for I := 0 to ARelocationCount -1 do begin pRelocationType := (pRelocInfo^ shr 12); pRelocationOffset := pRelocInfo^ and $FFF; case pRelocationType of IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW, IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: Inc(PNativeUInt(NativeUInt(pRelocationAddress) + pRelocationOffset)^, ADelta); IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH: Inc(PNativeUInt(NativeUInt(pRelocationAddress) + pRelocationOffset)^, HiWord(ADelta)); IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW: Inc(PNativeUInt(NativeUInt(pRelocationAddress) + pRelocationOffset)^, LoWord(ADelta)); end; Inc(pRelocInfo); end; /// pRelocationTable := Pointer(NativeUInt(pRelocationTable) + pRelocationTable^.SizeOfBlock); end; end; { _.ReflectLibraryFromMemory } function ReflectLibraryFromMemory(const pSourceBuffer : Pointer; const ABufferSize : UInt) : Pointer; var pOffset : Pointer; ASourcePEHeader : TPEHeader; ADestPEHeader : TPEHeader; pImageBase : Pointer; _pImageSectionHeader : PImageSectionHeader; I : Cardinal; ADelta : UInt64; begin result := nil; /// ASourcePEHeader := IdentifyPEHeader(pSourceBuffer); {$IFDEF WIN64} if (ASourcePEHeader._pImageFileHeader^.Machine <> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) then {$ELSE} if (ASourcePEHeader._pImageFileHeader^.Machine <> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) then {$ENDIF} raise Exception.Create('You must load a DLL with same architecture as current process!'); // Create a memory region that will contain our Library code // We then patch our TPEHeader structure with new image base pImageBase := VirtualAlloc(nil, ASourcePEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader^.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if not Assigned(pImageBase) then Exit(); // Write Library headers to allocated region CopyMemory(pImageBase, pSourceBuffer, ASourcePEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders); // Write Library sections code to allocated region for I := 0 to ASourcePEHeader.SectionHeaderCount -1 do begin _pImageSectionHeader := ASourcePEHeader.pSectionHeaders[I]; pOffset := Pointer(NativeUInt(pImageBase) + _pImageSectionHeader^.VirtualAddress); // Pad new allocated region with zeros ZeroMemory(pOffset, _pImageSectionHeader^.Misc.VirtualSize); // Copy section content from buffer to freshly allocated region CopyMemory( pOffset, Pointer(NativeUInt(pSourceBuffer) + _pImageSectionHeader^.PointerToRawData), _pImageSectionHeader^.SizeOfRawData ); end; // Calculate the distance between default library expected image base and mapped library image base // Used for relocation ADelta := NativeUInt(pImageBase) - NativeUInt(ASourcePEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader.ImageBase); // Point to new image header ADestPEHeader := IdentifyPEHeader(pImageBase); // Patch new image header image base value ADestPEHeader._pImageOptionalHeader^.ImageBase := NativeUInt(pImageBase); // Resolve import table, load required libraries and exported functions ResolveImportTable(ADestPEHeader); // Perform Image Base Relocation since it differs from target library PE Header expectation if ADelta <> 0 then PerformBaseRelocation(ADestPEHeader, ADelta); /// result := pImageBase; end; { _.GetReflectedProcAddress } function GetReflectedProcAddress(const pImageBase : Pointer; const AFunctionOrOrdinal : String) : Pointer; var APEHeader : TPEHeader; APEHeaderDirectories : TPEHeaderDirectories; I : Cardinal; pOffset : PCardinal; pOrdinal : PWord; pFuncAddress : PCardinal; pAddrOfNameOrdinals : Pointer; pAddrOfFunctions : Pointer; pAddrOfNames : Pointer; ACurrentName : String; AOrdinalCandidate : Integer; ACurrentOrdinal : Word; AResolveByName : Boolean; begin result := nil; /// if not Assigned(pImageBase) then Exit(); APEHeader := IdentifyPEHeader(pImageBase); APEHeaderDirectories := IdentifyPEHeaderDirectories(APEHeader); for I := 0 to APEHeaderDirectories._pImageExportDirectory^.NumberOfNames -1 do begin pAddrOfNameOrdinals := Pointer(NativeUInt(APEHeader.pImageBase) + APEHeaderDirectories._pImageExportDirectory^.AddressOfNameOrdinals); pAddrOfFunctions := Pointer(NativeUInt(APEHeader.pImageBase) + APEHeaderDirectories._pImageExportDirectory^.AddressOfFunctions); pAddrOfNames := Pointer(NativeUInt(APEHeader.pImageBase) + APEHeaderDirectories._pImageExportDirectory^.AddressOfNames); AResolveByName := False; if not TryStrToInt(AFunctionOrOrdinal, AOrdinalCandidate) then AResolveByName := True; if (AOrdinalCandidate < Low(Word)) or (AOrdinalCandidate > High(Word)) and not AResolveByName then AResolveByName := True; // Function Name pOffset := Pointer(NativeUInt(pAddrOfNames) + (I * SizeOf(Cardinal))); ACurrentName := String(PAnsiChar(NativeUInt(pImageBase) + pOffset^)); // Ordinal ACurrentOrdinal := PWord(NativeUInt(pAddrOfNameOrdinals) + (I * SizeOf(Word)))^; if AResolveByName then begin if (String.Compare(ACurrentName, AFunctionOrOrdinal, True) <> 0) then continue; end else begin if (ACurrentOrdinal + APEHeaderDirectories._pImageExportDirectory^.Base) <> AOrdinalCandidate then continue; end; // Resolve Function Address pFuncAddress := PCardinal(NativeUInt(pAddrOfFunctions) + (ACurrentOrdinal * SizeOf(Cardinal))); result := Pointer(NativeUInt(pImageBase) + pFuncAddress^); break; end; end; { _.ReflectLibraryFromFile } function ReflectLibraryFromFile(const AFileName : String) : Pointer; var AFileStream : TFileStream; pBuffer : Pointer; ASize : Int64; begin result := nil; /// AFileStream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try AFileStream.Position := 0; /// ASize := AFileStream.Size; GetMem(pBuffer, ASize); AFileStream.ReadBuffer(PByte(pBuffer)^, ASize); result := ReflectLibraryFromMemory(pBuffer, ASize); finally if Assigned(AFileStream) then FreeAndNil(AFileStream); end; end; { _.ReflectFromMemoryStream } function ReflectFromMemoryStream(const AStream : TMemoryStream) : Pointer; begin result := nil; /// if not Assigned(AStream) then Exit(); if AStream.Size = 0 then Exit(); result := ReflectLibraryFromMemory(AStream.Memory, AStream.Size); end; // Example (Update Code Accordingly) var pReflectedModuleBase : Pointer; pReflectedMethod : procedure(); stdcall; begin pReflectedModuleBase := ReflectLibraryFromFile('test.dll'); // Through Function Name @pReflectedMethod := GetReflectedProcAddress(pReflectedModuleBase, 'ModuleAction'); if Assigned(pReflectedMethod) then pReflectedMethod(); // Through Exported Function Ordinal @pReflectedMethod := GetReflectedProcAddress(pReflectedModuleBase, '3'); if Assigned(pReflectedMethod) then pReflectedMethod(); end.