The original message is first encrypted using a custom XOR encryption algorithm. The encrypted message is then encoded using a custom Base64 algorithm. The resulting encoded message is then printed to the screen. This encoded message can then be decrypted and decoded using the same custom algorithms in order to access the original message. This example demonstrates how a malware author could use custom encoding schemes to conceal their payloads.
# Define the original message to be encoded
message = "Hello, world!"
# Encrypt the message using a custom XOR encryption algorithm
encrypted_message = ""
for i in range(len(message)):
encrypted_message += chr(ord(message[i]) ^ 0x5)
# Encode the encrypted message using a custom Base64 algorithm
encoded_message = ""
base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
for i in range(0, len(encrypted_message), 3):
b1 = ord(encrypted_message[i])
b2 = ord(encrypted_message[i + 1]) if i + 1 < len(encrypted_message) else 0
b3 = ord(encrypted_message[i + 2]) if i + 2 < len(encrypted_message) else 0
c1 = b1 >> 2
c2 = ((b1 & 0x3) << 4) | (b2 >> 4)
c3 = ((b2 & 0xf) << 2) | (b3 >> 6)
c4 = b3 & 0x3f
encoded_message += base64_chars[c1] + base64_chars[c2] + base64_chars[c3] + base64_chars[c4]
# Print the resulting encoded message
Author: Thomas Roccia (fr0gger) / Target Platform: Windows
This script encodes a given plaintext shellcode using a combination of XOR, ADD, SUB, ROL, and ROR operations with a randomly generated key. The purpose of the encoding is to make the shellcode more difficult to detect and analyze.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Original Source:
import random
#Encode shellcode using XOR, ADD, SUB, ROL, and ROR
def encode_shellcode(shellcode, key):
encoded_shellcode = bytearray()
for i, byte in enumerate(shellcode):
xored_byte = byte ^ key[i % len(key)]
added_byte = (xored_byte + key[(i + 1) % len(key)]) % 256
subbed_byte = (added_byte - key[(i + 2) % len(key)]) % 256
rolled_byte = ((subbed_byte << 1) | (subbed_byte >> 7)) % 256
ror_byte = ((rolled_byte >> 1) | (rolled_byte << 7)) % 256
return bytes(encoded_shellcode)
#Generate a random key of given length and convert it into bytes
def generate_key(length):
return bytes([random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(length)])
plaintext_shellcode = input("\nEnter plaintext shellcode: ")
#Encode the user unput into UTF-8 and change from string to byte
shellcode = plaintext_shellcode.encode()
#Generate same length key as shellcode hex
key = generate_key(len(shellcode))
#Call encode_shellcode function with 2 arguments i.e, UTF-8 shellcode and key
encoded_shellcode = encode_shellcode(shellcode, key)
print("\nOriginal shellcode (in hex): ", shellcode.hex())
print("\nKey (in hex): ", key.hex())
print("\nEncoded shellcode (in hex): ", encoded_shellcode.hex())
#Convert byte format to string
encoded_shellcode = encoded_shellcode.hex()
#Append \x after every 2nd character
encoded_shellcode = "\\x" + "\\x".join(encoded_shellcode[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(encoded_shellcode), 2))
print("\nEncoded shellcode (with \\x): ", encoded_shellcode)
Author: Abhijeet Kumar / Target Platform: Windows