Detecting Hostname, Username
Created the Monday 11 March 2019. Updated 1 year, 4 months ago.
Sandbox Evasion
Detecting Hostname, Username
Most sandbox are using name like Sandbox, Cuckoo, Maltest, Malware, malsand, ClonePC.... All this hostname can provide the information to the malware. The username can also be checked by malware.
Technique Identifier
Code Snippets
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
char ComputerName [MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
DWORD cbComputerName = sizeof ( ComputerName );
if ( GetComputerName ( ComputerName, &cbComputerName ))
MessageBox ( NULL, ComputerName, "Computer Name:", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
Author: Thomas Roccia (fr0gger) / Target Platform: Windows
Detection Rules
name: check for sandbox username
namespace: anti-analysis/anti-vm/vm-detection
author: "@_re_fox"
scope: function
- Anti-Behavioral Analysis::Virtual Machine Detection [B0009]
- ccbf7cba35bab56563c0fbe4237fdc41:0x402B90
- and:
- api: GetUserName
- or:
- string: /MALTEST/i
description: Betabot Username Check
description: VirusTotal Sandbox
- string: /SANDBOX/i
description: Gookit Username Check
- string: /^VIRUS/i
description: Satan Username Check
- string: /MALWARE/i
description: Betabot Username Check
- string: /SAND\sBOX/i
description: Betabot Username Check
- string: /Test\sUser/i
description: Betabot Username Check
- string: /CurrentUser/i
description: Gookit Username Check
- string: /7SILVIA/i
description: Gookit Username Check
- string: /FORTINET/i
description: Shifu Username Check
- string: /John\sDoe/i
description: Emotet Username Check
- string: /Emily/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /HANSPETER\-PC/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /HAPUBWS/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /Hong\sLee/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /IT\-ADMIN/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /JOHN\-PC/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /Johnson/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /Miller/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /MUELLER\-PC/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /Peter\sWilson/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /SystemIT/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /Timmy/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /WIN7\-TRAPS/i
description: Trickbot Downloader Username Check
- string: /WDAGUtilityAccount/i
description: Windows Defender Application Guard
Additional Resources
External Links
The resources provided below are associated links that will give you even more detailed information and research on current evasion technique.
It is important to note that, while these resources may be helpful, it is important to exercise caution when following external links.
As always, be careful when clicking on links from unknown sources, as they may lead to malicious content.
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