Return Address Spoofing

Created the Sunday 29 January 2023. Updated 1 year ago.

Return Address Spoofing is a technique used in x64 architecture to bypass the limitations of the x64 fastcall mechanism. The traditional method of spoofing return addresses in x86 (e.g. using a ret in a game module as a trampoline) is not feasible in x64 due to caller cleanup and red zone.

To overcome this, the code creates a temporary storage for the shellcode on the stack, where the address of a gadget and the called function are stored. An extra 8 bytes are reserved for the shellcode. The address of the storage is then passed to the shellcode, which reads the addresses, stores the original return address, the original content of the nonvolatile register (rbx), and the shellcode's return address.

The shellcode then jumps into the called function, which runs and returns to the gadget (jmp [rbx]). The remaining shellcode restores rbx, aligns the stack, and "returns" to the original return address using a jump instruction. This technique enables the shellcode to hide its presence from endpoint security software and memory scanners, while maintaining its malicious functionality.

Technique Identifier


Code Snippets

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The resources provided below are associated links that will give you even more detailed information and research on current evasion technique. It is important to note that, while these resources may be helpful, it is important to exercise caution when following external links. As always, be careful when clicking on links from unknown sources, as they may lead to malicious content.

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