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110 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Custom Encoding Data Obfuscation
Malware often uses custom encoding schemes to conceal their payloads and avoid detection. These custom schemes can be full custom layers, or they can be variations of known algorithms such as XOR or Base64. Using custom encoding schemes allows malware to encode their payloads in a unique way that can be difficult for security tools and forensic investigators to detect.
…Geofencing Others
Geofencing in malware refers to a technique used by cybercriminals to restrict the distribution or activation of malicious software based on geographical location. Malware authors use geofencing to target specific regions or avoid certain areas, such as their home country, in order to evade detection, minimize the chances of being investigated, or maximize the effectiveness of their attacks.
Geofencing …
Time Bomb Sandbox Evasion Others
Some malware contains a built-in expiration date, after which the malware will no longer run or function. This can be used by attackers to limit the time during which the malware can be detected and analyzed by security researchers. In order to run and analyze the malware after its expiration date, security researchers must manually change the date on the …
Stolen certificate Antivirus/EDR Evasion
To avoid detection, attackers can use stolen certificates from known companies. It allows the malware to bypass security solution.
SuspendThread Anti-Debugging
Suspending threads is a technique used by malware to disable user-mode debuggers and make it more difficult for security analysts to reverse engineer and analyze the code. This can be achieved by using the SuspendThread
function from the kernel32.dll library or the NtSuspendThread
function from the NTDLL.DLL library.
The malware can enumerate the threads of a given process, or …
COM Hijacking Process Manipulating
COM hijacking is a technique used by adversaries to insert malicious code into the Windows operating system through the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM).
COM is a system that allows software components to interact with each other, and adversaries can abuse this system to execute their own code in place of legitimate software. To achieve this, they alter references …
LOLbins Others
A lolbin (short for "Living Off the Land Binaries") is a legitimate Windows utility that can be used by adversaries to execute arbitrary commands. Various Windows utilities may be used to execute commands, possibly without invoking cmd. For example, the Program Compatibility Assistant (pcalua.exe) and components of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) are examples of lolbins that can be …
Register Reassignment Anti-Disassembly
Register reassignment is a technique used in code obfuscation and anti-disassembling to make reverse engineering and analysis more difficult. It involves modifying the instructions in a program to use different registers in different versions or instances of the program. This can make it more difficult for a reverse engineer or disassembler to understand the program's behavior, as the register assignments …
Code Transposition Anti-Disassembly
Code transposition is a technique used by malware authors to evade detection and analysis by rearranging the instructions of a piece of code without changing its behavior. This technique is used to make the code more difficult to read and understand for disassemblers and reverse engineers, as well as to hide the true intent of the code.
There are …
Kill Process Anti-Monitoring
Malware often employs techniques to evade detection and hinder the efforts of security experts in analyzing its behavior. One notable method involves terminating processes associated with anti-virus software or monitoring tools.
For example, malware may specifically target processes like wireshark.exe, ida.exe, or procmon.exe, which are frequently used by analysts to observe and scrutinize running processes on a system. By …