Search Evasion Techniques
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257 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Parent Process Detection Anti-Monitoring
Parent process is a technique used by malware to evade detection by security analysts. The parent process of a given process is the process that spawned it.
For example, most user processes on a Windows system have explorer.exe as their parent process. By checking the parent process of a given process, malware can determine whether it is being monitored …
Hook Injection Process Manipulating
Hook injection is a technique used by malware to alter the behavior of internal functions in an operating system or application. This is typically achieved by inserting malicious code into existing function calls, allowing the malware to intercept and manipulate the normal flow of execution.
In the case of Windows, the SetWindowsHookEx
function can be used by programs to …
DLL Injection via CreateRemoteThread and LoadLibrary Process Manipulating
DLL Injection Via CreateRemoteThread
and LoadLibrary
is a technique used by malware to inject its code into a legitimate process. This technique is similar to hook injection, where the malware inserts a malicious DLL to be used by the system. It is one of the most common techniques used to inject malware into another process.
The malware writes the …
XOR Operation Data Obfuscation
The XOR operation is a common technique used by malware to hide data. This is because it is a simple and reversible function, meaning that the same operation can be used to both encode and decode data. In the XOR operation, a key is used to create a ciphertext, which is then used to encrypt the original data.
The …
Caesar Cipher Data Obfuscation
The Caesar Cipher is a simple encoding algorithm that was used during the Roman Empire to hide secret messages. In this algorithm, each letter of the plaintext is replaced with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if the shift value is 3, then the letter "A" would be replaced with "D", "B" …
ROL Data Obfuscation
ROL, or Rotate Left, is a simple encoding algorithm similar to the Caesar Cipher. In the ROL algorithm, each letter of the plaintext is replaced with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if the rotation value is 3, then the letter "A" would be replaced with "D", "B" would be replaced with …
Cryptography Data Obfuscation
Cryptography is a technique often used by malware to protect against analysis or to perform malicious actions such as in ransomware attacks. In these cases, malware will use cryptography to encrypt their payloads or communication channels in order to make it difficult for security tools and forensic investigators to detect and analyze their activities.
Additionally, cryptography can be used …
Geofencing Others
Geofencing in malware refers to a technique used by cybercriminals to restrict the distribution or activation of malicious software based on geographical location. Malware authors use geofencing to target specific regions or avoid certain areas, such as their home country, in order to evade detection, minimize the chances of being investigated, or maximize the effectiveness of their attacks.
Geofencing …
Shortcut Hiding Antivirus/EDR Evasion
Windows shortcut can be used to store code that downloads a malicious file from the internet, or that stores the malicious file directly within the shortcut itself. This can make it difficult for antivirus software to detect the malicious application, as the file is not stored in a typical location on the computer. Additionally, the use of a shortcut can …
Time Bomb Sandbox Evasion Others
Some malware contains a built-in expiration date, after which the malware will no longer run or function. This can be used by attackers to limit the time during which the malware can be detected and analyzed by security researchers. In order to run and analyze the malware after its expiration date, security researchers must manually change the date on the …