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12 item(s) found so far for this keyword.
Geofencing Others
Geofencing in malware refers to a technique used by cybercriminals to restrict the distribution or activation of malicious software based on geographical location. Malware authors use geofencing to target specific regions or avoid certain areas, such as their home country, in order to evade detection, minimize the chances of being investigated, or maximize the effectiveness of their attacks.
Geofencing …
File Splitting Antivirus/EDR Evasion
An old trick consists to split the malicious file into different parts and analyse all of them separately with and AV. The chunk where the detection is still being triggered is actually the part of the file that need to change to evade the antivirus software you are targeting.
Thread Execution Hijacking Process Manipulating
Thread execution hijacking is a technique used by malware to evade detection by targeting an existing thread of a process and avoiding any noisy process or thread creation operations. This technique allows the malware to run its code within the context of the targeted thread, without creating new processes or threads, which can be easily detected by security software.
Injection using Shims Process Manipulating
Microsoft provides Shims to developers mainly for backward compatibility. Shims allow developers to apply fixes to their programs without the need of rewriting code. By leveraging shims, developers can tell the operating system how to handle their application. Shims are essentially a way of hooking into APIs and targeting specific executables. Malware can take advantage of shims to target an …
NOP Sled Anti-Disassembly
In computer security, a NOP slide is a sequence of NOP (no-operation) instructions that is inserted at the beginning of a code section. When a program branches to the start of this code section, it will "slide" through the NOP instructions until it reaches the desired, final destination. This technique is commonly used in software exploits to direct program execution …
Peer to peer C2 Network Evasion
Peer-to-peer (P2P) botnets are a type of botnet that uses a decentralized network structure, without a central command and control (C&C) server. Each infected machine in a P2P botnet maintains a list of other trusted computers (including other infected machines), as well as information drop locations and locations where the malware can be updated. Some P2P botnets also use encryption …
Killing Windows Event Log Anti-Forensic
Killing the Windows Event Log is a technique used by malware to prevent security professionals from detecting and analyzing it. Svchost.exe is a process that manages services on Windows operating systems.
By grouping multiple services into a single process, Svchost.exe conserves computing resources and reduces resource consumption. However, this also means that Svchost.exe manages the Event Log service, which …
Access Token Manipulation: Parent PID Spoofing Process Manipulating Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may spoof the parent process identifier (PPID) of a new process to evade process-monitoring defenses or to elevate privileges. New processes are typically spawned directly from their parent, or calling, process unless explicitly specified.
One way of explicitly assigning the PPID of a new process is via the CreateProcess
API call, which supports a parameter that defines the …
User Interaction (Are you human?) Sandbox Evasion
You can get an advantage against sandboxes by using user interaction techniques. For example, The average user has a username and password and as long as the user you are targeting does not enter their password correctly, you can prevent your malware execution and bypass the possible sandbox control.
Obfuscated Files or Information: Compile After Delivery Defense Evasion [Mitre]
Adversaries may attempt to make payloads difficult to discover and analyze by delivering files to victims as uncompiled code. Text-based source code files may subvert analysis and scrutiny from protections targeting executables/binaries. These payloads will need to be compiled before execution; typically via native utilities such as csc.exe or GCC/MinGW.
Source code payloads may also be encrypted, encoded, and/or …